Why being Healthy is the correct choice

(Most of the time)

You should strive to become as physically healthy as possible. 


Because if you aren’t tapping into a high level of fitness, you will be incapable of reaching the pinnacle of health in any other realm (mental, emotional, spiritual). You can be as mentally, emotionally or spiritually ‘fit’ as anyone, but if you’re out of shape and unhealthy physically you’re missing out on new peaks for your journey. 

Physical health is the foundation for all of these other classes. Build your foundation strong and you will be able to absorb and defeat anything life throws at you. 

Handling the tests of life. 

No one said life is smooth and easy, although it is absolutely and definitively beautiful. 

When your organism is strong physically, you can handle the bumps, bruises, disasters, heartbreaks and everything else that comes at you with a strong and graciously poised demeanor. Nothing can break you. My point here is that you USE your health. You have the ability to go take bigger, stronger shots in the world and if you get beat up and fall short you can recover and regroup much faster than the average person. 


When your physical health is at a high level you naturally improve in every other category of life. You will be able to contain more space for others. You become the rock for people to lean on. Your relationships improve. Your life improves. 

Living in survival

When living in this state, you’re only able to focus on exactly that. Survival. 

You don’t hold space for others. It’s a very selfish state to be in and rightfully so. If stuck in it for too long, you’ll drive everyone important out of your life. 

You cannot tap into your creative genius like you can when healthy. 

In the state of survival, there’s limited possibilities, compared to the state of health and well being.. Infinite possibilities. Why is that? Because you’re connected to something GREATER THAN YOURSELF. Realizing it’s not about you is crucial and allows for growth. 

Now I will say this, the state of being in survival should not be avoided completely. I firmly believe GOOD can come from dealing with high risk, high stress & volatile swings.

There’s something about having a war-like mentality while going out to achieve a goal you’ve locked in on and not stopping until you get it. In a season like that, it’s common to experience this state of being as it comes with an unhealthy pursuit towards your vision, bringing on high amounts of stress and pressure. But I’ve learned that it’s important to not get ‘stuck’ in it. Being able to rise out of it and return is key. And it’s so much easier to return to HEALTH when your organism is STRONG & HEALTHY. 

My whole point with this post is that living in a state of health should be the goal majority of the time. 

It’s a spectacular time to be strong physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as a man. Bring your passion, talents and VOICE to the world. 

Be heard. Be seen. Be known.